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The Interview

You're chasing the perfect position then comes - Interview time!!

To draw everything from this you must;

Know the subject

Enjoy the process

Predict the questions

Be clear on your outcome

Prepare your questions

Remember, there are so many opportunities that exist and there will always be more, SO, Interview the company just as intently as they will be interviewing you!

Obviously there are situations where you just need to get the job, but if you are in a position where you can exercise some choice, then you don't want to move around just for the sake of it. You want to make sure that the company, organisation or position is exactly what you're looking for in your next step.

Many go into interviews stressed out because they think they have to perform for the role; the correct way to see it is the fit has to be mutual and the company must also demonstrate it is worth your future efforts.

For most, interview time is a nerve racking experience and one people want to avoid - BUT this is a key moment in your journey that either way will give you more understanding and will unlock new direction.

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